
Production setup

You set the Slack bot token in the config file

  "slackbot.token": "XXXX-325920249586-tkG2oNbZlOMrsjvkeVesRsO4",
  "plugins": [
    "#-- BotMaster Commands ---------",
    "#-- Direct Commands ------------",
    "#-- Channel Commands -----------"

and simply start the slackbot with


The help command is the only build-in command of the bot.


If the BotMasterCommands plugin is enabled, then you should as soon as possible open a direct chat with the bot and enter the following chat messages (replacing @bot with the @ and the bots name:

@bot !botchan

The first message this DM between you and the bot as a channel where you don’t have to put @bot in front of all commands. The second command registers your SlackID as the ID that has BotMaster rights.

Development setup

You can create a local_settings.json file, that is git ignored and just consists of one relevant line staring with slackbot.token. It is anyway overwriting every setting made in the settings.json with the settings made there.

  "slackbot.token": "xoxo-393952263286-sRsuiTOM645vtkGxoNbZkeVe"